Strategy & Planning

Know your market and how to win in it.
“Marketing strategy is where we play and how we win in the market. Tactics are how we then deliver on the strategy and execute for success”

- Mark Ritson -

Planning for marketing success

Whether it’s a one-off campaign or an ongoing relationship, we work alongside you to best understand you, your business, your market and what makes your customers tick. This way we can formulate a plan designed around delivering the results to help grow your business.

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Marketing plans designed
for your business

At BVOX, we don’t just fit you into an off the shelf template and expect it to work. We look at the bigger picture and throughout all our work we follow the SOSTAC methodology to work out where we are, how we will get there and how will we know when we are there. This way we can formulate a plan bespoke to your company, the marketplace it operates in and the objectives and goals you want to achieve.

Our typical strategy and planning process will involve the following stages and tools, applied to your business:

Situational Analysis

An audit of where you are now.

- Measuring current performance and business plan
- SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
- PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological)
- Competitor and external forces analysis
- Customer analysis and personas


Defining where you want to be.

- Vision & Mission
- SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-Related)
- Setting KPIs and metrics (Key Performance Objectives)
- Creating dashboards & measurement tools


Defining how we will get there.

- Segmentation, targeting and positioning
- Acquisition strategy – lead generation and creating new customers
-  Retention strategy – keeping your most valuable customers

Tactics & Actions

What will we actually do to get there.

- The Marketing Mix (Products, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Partnerships)
- Resource allocation
- Calendars, scheduling and plans
-  Roadmaps


How will we monitor performance.

- Getting feedback
- Reporting platforms
- KPI reviews
- Dashboard and measurement tool reviews

Book a free consultation
All of our market strategy and planning work is tailored for your organisation and goals, that’s why we don’t offer an out of the box package or apply a one size fits all approach.
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Working together

Our experts can work with you and your marketing people to plan for your upcoming campaigns and let you run with them. Or let us be an extension of your team and work together to plan and execute a winning strategy from start to finish.  Whatever the working arrangement, our goal is to get you leads, conversions and ultimately a return on your marketing investment.

Want to get your business seen and heard online and in your area?
Contact us now to see how we can help.

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