Training & Consultancy

Giving you the tools to propel your business forward.
“The goal of education is understanding; the goal of training is performance”

- Frank Bell -

Marketing Training

Whether you’re new to marketing, looking to brush up on your skills in a certain area or would like to upskill your team, at BVOX we can help you get up to speed and help you on the way to creating value, building relationships and satisfying your customers.

From group or one-on-one training in all aspects of marketing via face-to-face learning or remotely via video conferencing, we will create sessions designed around your specific knowledge gaps. Get in touch to discuss your training needs or to hear more about how we can help your business to grow.

Contact us about training
picture of a training book
picture of a phone with social media icons on it

Social Media Training

If you’re new to social media for business, looking for ways to improve your engagement and grow your audience or just want to level up your social media usage in general, you’re in the right place.

We can provide one-off or a course of sessions, designed around your experience and what you are looking to achieve from your social media use. Some of our most popular topics are listed below to give you an idea of what we can provide.

Marketing Consultancy

At BVOX, we will collaborate with you to identify the gaps in your marketing, audit your current communications and formulate a plan to help drive results. We can help you build your marketing strategy from scratch or improve and overhaul the activities you are currently using to communicate with your audience.

Reasons you may need a marketing consultancy

Want to get your business seen and heard online and in your area?
Contact us now to see how we can help.

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